Thursday, April 19, 2012

Felafel & Flat Bread

So I've started working at a vegetarian centre and found myself married to a vegetarian... how convenient!  The smells from my work kitchen are the most incredible ever, and I get to bring home the recipes and share them with you all!  So enjoy!


Mash 1 can of chick peas and combine with:
1 finely chopped onion
2 crushed cloves of garlic
parsley (But i didn't have any!)
2 teaspoons of curry powder
1 egg (or some sour cream)
1 teaspoon of salt and pepper
1 tablespoon of lemon juice (although I didn't have any either)
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 tablespoon of olive oil (... never have this so i used butter)
1/2-1 cup of breadcrumbs (little bit at a time till patty type consistency)

Then fry or bake (200C) for 10 mins each side!


3 cups flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of baking soda
2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons of oil (but of course I use butter)

Put all in a bowl and mix with iced water until a nice dough, roll out into flat circles, prick the surface and fry in an oiled griddle until brown!  YUM



Caramelise onion, add a clove of crushed garlic and some worcestershire sauce then cool.  Add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise and 3 tablespoons of sour cream.


Mayonnaise, garlic, lemon juice and curry powder... in whichever quantity you desire!

It's also awesome with yoghurt and mint dip!!

Be Well!

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